Terms and Conditions

Beyond Technique Football School

Terms of Engagement

  1. Welcome to Beyond Technique Football School 

    1. We are Beyond Technique Football School Pty Ltd (ACN 657 421 997) (BTFS, We, Us, Our).

    2. You, (You, Participant) are part of the next generation of football talent.  Welcome to BTFS.

    3. Your participation in and involvement at BTFS are subject to these Terms of Engagement and its Schedules (Terms).  By enrolling in a BTFS session/s, You (or parent/guardian) accept these Terms, as well any BTFS policies, from time to time.

    4. The Terms are designed to ensure that BTFS and BTFS Participants (and their parents and guardians) understand each other’s rights and responsibilities in relation to being a Participants at BTFS.

    5. We may update the Terms from time to time, any updates will be published on Our website (www.btfootballschool.com) and they will be binding on You (or parent/guardian).

  2. Participants under 18 years

    1. If You are under the age of 18 years, Your parent or guardian accepts these Terms on Your behalf for legal purposes only. As a Participant, You are still personally responsible for Your own conduct and behaviour during Your time with BTFS.

  3. What We do

    1. We believe that the best teacher is the player themselves, with the coaches’ primary objective being to create an environment which facilitates player improvement through guided discovery.

    2. We are a football school that develops athletes holistically, giving each athlete the tools to succeed both on and off the football pitch throughout their journey.

    3. We do this by providing Participants with professional coaching, and access to relevant information and resources, including from expert guest speakers, and other forms of support in a range of areas including, but not limited to:

      1. football training;

      2. mental health;

      3. financial education; and

      4. nutritional advice.


  1. How We do it

    1. We will use Our best endeavours to provide the Services:

      1. exercising all due care, skill and judgement;

      2. in an efficient and professional manner; and

      3. in accordance with all applicable laws.

    2. You agree to assist Us in delivering the Services by:

      1. arriving to all sessions on time;

      2. bringing Your boots, shin-pads and a drink bottle and other gear as required by the coach;

      3. listening to any expert guest speakers;

      4. following instructions from all coaches; and

      5. being respectful of Your fellow BTFS Participants, the BTFS team, the equipment, and the facilities.

(Participant Expectations)

  1. BTFS reserves its right to cancel the enrolment of any Participant who fails to meet the Participant Expectations, as set out above, at its sole discretion, with immediate effect.

  1. Payments

    1. Our Fees for the Services are set out in the Fees Schedule below and may be updated from time to time.

    2. We will provide You (or parent/guardian) with an invoice for the Services, in accordance with the Fees Schedule.

    3. You (or parent/guardian) agree to pay the invoice, in accordance with the terms and by the methods set out in the invoice.

    4. Our Services are a taxable supply and are subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST), under A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 and all associated legislation.

    5. Unless otherwise stated, all Fees are expressed inclusive of GST.  You (or parent/guardian) agree to pay GST of 10% inclusive of our Fees, at the time of purchase

    6. You (or parent/guardian) agree to pay any third-party payment processing fee (including any GST) at the time of purchase.

  2. Refunds

    1. We reserve the right to provide refunds at Our sole discretion.

    2. We may provide refunds in the following circumstances:

      1. when the Participant is relocating further than 20km away from BTFS’ training facility; 

      2. the Participant suffers a serious illness or injury, as evidenced by a medical certificate, prohibiting them from attending or participating in BTFS sessions; or

      3. in the event that BTFS cancels a session.

  1. Participation 

    1. We will try Our best to ensure that all sessions are run as safely as possible, conducted in accordance with the rules and spirit of the game. 

    2. By accepting these Terms or participating in any BTFS session, You (or parent/guardian) acknowledge and accept that:

      1. You may get injured whilst at BTFS; 

      2. You participate in all BTFS’ sessions at Your own risk; and

      3. BTFS accepts no liability for any injury, harm, loss or damage whatsoever, sustained as a result of Your time at BTFS.

  2. Indemnity

    1. You (or parent/guardian) agree to indemnify BTFS for any loss (including legal fees) or damage suffered by BTFS arising out of or in connection with Your time at BTFS, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    2. Notwithstanding the above, subject to any law, You (or parent/guardian) agree that BTFS’ maximum liability to You will be to the value of the Fees paid.

  3. Confidentiality

    1. As part of the enrolment process, We will collect information about You, such as Your name, email, address, phone number, age, and gender (Personal Details). Even after You finish Your time with BTFS, Your Personal Details will remain confidential and will not be provided to any third-party, other than those We use to help run BTFS.

    2. If We are required to provide Your Personal Details (for example, by court order) We will notify You (or parent/guardian) as soon as is practicable. 

  4. Intellectual Property

    1. You (or parent/guardian) acknowledge and accept that all rights to any intellectual property produced in the delivery of Our Services, including, but not limited to: 

      1. know-how;

      2. course design;

      3. video footage;

      4. photographs;

      5. business models; or

      6. trademarks,

vest on creation in, and remain the property of, BTFS.

  1. You (or parent/guardian) indemnify Us for any loss (including legal fees) or damage which arises out of a breach of Our rights in the clause above.

  2. You (or parent/guardian) acknowledge and agree that we may take photos or video footage of the Participant during a session and when providing the Services.  

  3. You (or parent/guardian) acknowledge and agree that we may use photos or video footage of the Participant for marketing and advertising purposes only.   You (or parent/guardian) agree to advise us in writing if you do not allow us to use video footage or photographs of You for marketing and advertising purposes.  

  1. Severability

If any clause/s in these Terms aren’t unenforceable or are invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity, this does not make these Terms unenforceable or invalid, as a whole. Any unenforceable or invalid provisions can be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions in these Terms.

  1. Assignment

We are permitted to assign, transfer, and subcontract Our rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notification to or consent from You (or parent/guardian). 

  1. Governing Law & Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. You (or parent/guardian) submit to the state and federal courts located in the State of Victoria, Australia for the resolution of any disputes.

Fees Schedule


Price (incl. GST)

1 x Session (60 minutes) (Foundation Members)

$25.00 per child

1 x Session (60 minutes) (Foundation Members with 2 siblings participating)

$22.00 per child

1 x Session (60 minutes) (Foundation Members with 3 siblings participating)

$20.00 per child

1 x Session (60 minutes) (Friend Members)

$30.00 per child

1 x Session (60 minutes) (Foundation Members with 2 siblings participating)

$27.00 per child

1 x Session (60 minutes) (Foundation Members with 3 siblings participating)

$24.00 per child

All accounts debited once weekly for the same week’s training session